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Embodying your divine essence with
Sonya Sun Heart
Holistic Wellness & Ascension Coach
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Embodying your divine essence with
Sonya Sun Heart
Holistic Wellness & Ascension Coach
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Embodying your divine essence with
Sonya Sun Heart
Holistic Wellness & Ascension Coach
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Discover and Embody your
Soul Purpose & live your best life!

Are you ready and excited to quantum leap into your higher self, to embody higher states of consciousness? Well, you’ve synchronistically landed at the right place and the perfect time to do this.

Your 90 Day Ultimate Holistic Lifestyle Program

Together, we will co-create your custom mentor ship program so you may trust, know and love yourself at your deeper soul level and fully embody your divine blueprint, higher self, using a wide variety of tools, methods, techniques such as : sound healing frequencies & tuning, breathwork & yogic pranayama, mantras, mudras, asanas, heart-mind coherence meditations, essential oils, Gene Key Soul Blueprint, journalling, scripting, gratitude & prayer, detox and fasting, heart-coherence, shamanic ritual & ceremony, etc…

As you rewrite over your old beliefs and allow newer, high vibrational, lightness & self-love frequencies into your vessel, you will gain more clarity, joy, inner vision and deeper wisdom.

Once our intention is set and agreed upon, we will meet online every week for 90minutes using Videoconferencing for 3 months. This active intention, dedication and commitment on your behalf allows you to align and live your highest reality and to become the hero-heroine of your own journey, freeing you to radiate and magnetize more and to share your unique, harmonious and loving gifts with the world. Are you ready now to embark on your most important journey here on earth – to Know, Love & Embody your higher self?


30 Day Holistic (Mind, Body, Spirit) Alignment with your Best Life ~ Personalized Guidance program

In this 30-day Mentorship program, I will guide you into your chosen alignment with your highest timeline so you can be free to live and embody your best life ever, be clear-minded , courageous stand in your truth & sovereignty. Through 4 weekly 90minute sessions, we will be working closely together, one to one, in a safe and nurturing sacred space.

Discover Your

Soul Purpose

Sonya is your source of inspiration and guidance for Spiritual Awakening, Gene Keys, and Soul Purpose. Each person is a unique piece in the puzzle of the whole and plays a meaningful role in completing the entire puzzle. As soon as one piece in the puzzle is missing, the picture is incomplete. I am here to accompany you in discovering and embodying your unique piece in the puzzle, full of amazing qualities and archetypal abilities, so that you live in peace, abundance and freedom.


Ascension voyage was created for anyone who desires to feel more vitality, peace and oneness in their life through connected conscious breaths.
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Your Gene Keys

The gene keys are a “Codebook of consciousness”, linked with the ancient I-Ching, an incredible tool to deeper ‘know thyself’.
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Your Ascension Guidance Program

Together, we will co-create your custom mentorship program so you may trust, know and love yourself and fully embody your divine blueprint.
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About Sonya


Sonya Sun Heart is a heart-led, holistic lifestyle ascension guide in divine service to the great evolutionary, higher frequency shift in consciousness that humanity is currently experiencing on Gaia ~ also known as “The Great Shift or Awakening”. Each one of us came here

Her adventurous spirit and many life experiences with Universe (Source/Spirit/God/Goddess…) along with 2 near death experiences, kundalini awakening, shamanic journeying, transcendental meditations, visions, breathwork sessions, ayahuasca ceremony have all led to a certain ‘embodied wisdom’ and way of knowing and understanding this ‘reality’.

She is deeply dedicated to her own self-realization and ascension process (higher frequency /dimensional reality) as well as our collective one and has developed, through decades of study, courses, seminars & meditation techniques, a deep understanding of this global Ascension journey and the unique process that a soul must go through to embody their best version possible. She and is greatly honoured to share her embodied wisdom & guidance with those ready to embark upon this journey together.

Sonya Sun Heart is a heart-led, holistic lifestyle ascension guide in divine service to the great evolutionary, higher frequency shift in consciousness that humanity is currently experiencing on the planet ~ also known as “The Great Shift or Great Awakening”. We are moving quickly now into the Aquarian Age and alignement with our higher selves is key to navigate the quickening of this evolutionary cycle.

Her adventurous spirit and direct life experiences with the “Source” (Universe/Spirit/God/Goddess…) along with 2 near death experiences, kundalini awakening, shamanic journeying, transcendental meditations, visions, breathwork sessions, ayahuasca ceremony have all led to a certain ‘embodied wisdom’ and way of knowing and understanding this ‘reality’.

She is deeply dedicated to her own self-realization and ascension process (higher frequency /dimensional reality) as well as our collective one and has developed, through decades of study, courses, seminars & meditation techniques, a deep understanding of this global Ascension journey and the unique process that a soul must go through to embody their best version possible. She is greatly honoured to share her embodied wisdom & guidance with those ready to embark upon this journey together.

Book your FREE 30min consultation


Albert Einstein & Nikola Tesla

Nothing rests, everything move, everything vibrates. At the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything that comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. The Universe has no ‘solidity’, as such. Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration.
What is your state of vibration on a regular basis? Do you easily get upset, distracted, melancholic, angry, resentful, anxious, stressed, judgmental, …etc. Learn with me how to stay in the heart and create calm coherence, equilibrium, as an emotional basepoint so you can manifest the most beautiful relationships and life experiences for yourself.

Choose Spiritual Enlightenment To Transform Your Life To A Better One!

Is your life the same way you visualized it to be? Are you striving for change? If so, then congratulations. You have come to the right place. At Sonya Sun Heart, we put your life back on track and help you discover your inner peace.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

Any person who is not in touch with their spiritual sense may not know the exact true essence of life. In short, to understand the true meaning of your powerful existence, you must get in touch with your spiritual side. Spiritual awakening is a state that helps you look beyond what your eyes can see. It lets you believe in the power of God & enables you to understand the basis of existence, & you feel open to more such truths about life. You may keep living your lives thinking that power, fame, and money are essential to attain supreme happiness, but that is not true. Worldly things cannot make us happy for a longer period. Happiness cannot be achieved from external sources; it is embedded in your own self. You have to try to look within yourself to find it, & spiritual awakening will help you attain that.

Guidance for the Spiritual Awakening Program

The sole purpose of this Spiritual Awakening Program is to provide a loving, supportive environment to nurture your spiritual growth.

There are different spiritual awakening levels:

The first stage of this program helps you feel relaxed and calm in your surroundings. You live in the present without worrying about what may happen in the future or what happened in the past. In the second stage, you may connect with the environment around you. You feel in sync with your surroundings. You may find happiness in the most trivial things in life, & you may feel you are one with nature. The third & final stage of enlightenment makes you believe that you are not connected or in sync with things around you. Instead, you are one with them, or in other words, you are ‘everything.’

Sonya Sun Heart – A Certified Natural Health Practitioner

Sonya Sun Heart is a renowned holistic lifestyle ascension guide. She works with many clients to identify areas of imbalance and coach them toward equilibrium. Every individual innately possesses their own blend of strengths, and we all need coaching, guidance, a sounding board, and an objective perspective. Coach and educate clients on achieving and sustaining healthy habits as part of a daily routine that includes eating healthy, exercising, managing triggers, eliminating stress, maintaining healthy relationships, and more.

Are You Looking For Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation?

If yes, then Sonya Sun Heart can help you out with that! Being honest with others is essential but being true to your own self is one of the most crucial principles of spiritual enlightenment. It may not seem easy initially, but as you embark on your spiritual journey, it may come easily to you.


High vibe events to come


Knowing Sonya for the past years have been a true pleasure of discovering a kindred spirit, full of life and spiritual wisdom. Sonya's extensive spiritual practices and commitment to her own ascension journey on the soul level & full sovereignty on the human level has my deepest respect. Her big kind heart and joyful presence is a gift to the world.
Alina P.
Mindfulness Therapist
Since I invested in working with Sonya's Personal Guidance I made giant leap toward inner balance, layers of old beliefs gave way to more alignment with my heart's calling. Just what I was looking for. Wow what great support, I love it! After committing to work on myself, Sonya's intuitive guidance and years of practice inspired my own transformation to unfold!
Kevina T.

Let's Connect


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